I feel like our group of teachers has truly brought American culture to China. We pulled off an amazing ugly sweater and white elephant party. We were able to share this gem of a party with a South African and a Scottish gal. Quite the riot.

Chrissy and I wore matching candy cane sweaters (same size) quite the hit. The night ended in a more traditional Chinese way by renting our our own Karaoke room. With English songs blasting, a good time was had by all.

If anyone cares, I will be flying home tomorrow around noon Hong Kong time. Conveniently I arrive in PDX only 2 hours later (mega time change) Trying to stay up late tonight to get some good ZZZZ’s on the plane.

Hopefully I can see many of you when I am home! Have a Merry Christmas! This might be the last post for a bit, I will be pretty busy while I am home.